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Find your ideal prospects in minutes

Discover new commercial real estate companies and contacts based on CRE-specific indicators including industry, asset experience, and seniority. Easily download email addresses, phone numbers, and LinkedIn profiles of your ideal prospects to smash goals.

Biscred's data structure is built with only commercial real estate in mind and reflects decades of CRE experience. Our platform transforms CRE contact sourcing from your greatest obstacle to your ace in the hole.

The only purpose built sales and marketing enablement platform for the commercial real estate industry

  • Industry: Developer, operator, and 18 more

  • Asset Class: Industrial, multifamily, and 22 more

  • Geography: Region, state, and city

  • Seniority: 5 seniorities and 35 job functions

  • Company Contact Count: Employee count

  • Property Count: Number of buildings

  • Company Keywords: Any text on a company website

Search with CRE criteria


Whether you’re looking to build the perfect commercial real estate ABM list or load acquisition decision makers into a new sequence easily access the data points you need to drive results. 

From decision-makers to ABM


Utilize Search Summary to analyze diverse CRE audiences and make decisions on outreach segmentation that will drive higher engagement.

Digest large data sets faster 

Advanced Search

Push data from your CRE-specific saved list straight into your CRM with our native Salesforce integration. Or download as a CSV to leverage across any of your systems.

Contact data for your next campaign


Know the exact commercial real estate decision maker you’re looking for but need their contact information? Use Quick Search to pull the data you need to close your next deal.

Quick and easy results

Quick Search

In just over 3 months, we’ve already done $600,000 in new business from Biscred. Finding prospects in the multifamily space has never been easier. The CRE classifications and building count field make targeting simple. And the contact data is highly accurate. Biscred is a no-brainer if you’re doing business in commercial real estate.”

- VP Real Estate & Development, Newfront Insurance

  • Our clients come from marketing, sales, and business development functions from over 20 unique industries including lenders, materials, architects, and more. We have offerings for one-man shops to enterprise companies. Some of our customers include Saint Gobain, Schneider Electric, TK Elevator, Enertiv, and M&T.

  • Pricing is based on your number of users and monthly downloads. You will walk away with specific pricing for your use case after the demo.

  • To see our full list of commercial real estate industry and asset class categories schedule a demo with our team here.


    Biscred data covers the United States and includes the following data points at the contact level: First & Last Name, Email Address, Phone Number, LinkedIn Profile, Job Title, Seniority, Industry, Asset Class, City, State, and at the company level: Industry, Asset Class, Employee Count, Property Count, and Location.

  • We started using the foundation of Bisnow's first-party data and went on to develop an internal research team and machine learning that collects data through proprietary and publicly available sources. 

  • Biscred is a live platform and records are updated and added daily. We have a system of automated checks, combined with human research to ensure our data is up to date. We have a structured update cadence in which we check all the companies and contacts in our database. 

Your questions, answered
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