From login to download. Everything you need to leverage Biscred for automated commercial real estate prospecting.
Visit and click the login button in the top right corner. Bookmark the URL Enter your email and password you received in your onboarding email.

Quick Search
Once you have logged in, if you know the exact person or company you need to contact just type the name into the quick search bar on the home page. Take advantage of predictive results and click the "view all" link to see all matching people and companies.

Criteria Search
To automate prospecting and build a list based on commercial real estate indicators select Criteria Search from the home page. Select from both company and people-level criteria to build a list of your ideal prospects.
Refine Results
When viewing search results, hide or add columns by clicking the Column button in the top left corner of your screen. To add additional criteria, click the right-side panel and select Search Criteria. Then select or remove criteria to refine your results just as you would when running a standard criteria search.
Save List
Select specific contacts from your search or the entire list of results and click Actions in the top left corner. Click Save To List, then select an existing prospecting list or create a new list to add contacts or companies. View saved lists by clicking Lists in the top right navigation bar.
Save Search
Click the Save Search button in the top right corner to save your Criteria or Quick Search results. Return to this search at any time by clicking Saved in the top right corner. Saved searches are dynamic and updated automatically as new contacts enter the database.
Select specific contacts from your search or the entire list of results and click Actions in the top left corner. Click Download to receive a CSV of contacts to your account email in less than 30 seconds. Click Downloads in the top right corner to view all lists and records that have been downloaded.
Still have questions? Reach out to
Q: What is the difference between a company being tagged as Multifamily and a contact being tagged as Multifamily?
A: Biscred only assigns asset class experience to an individual contact when we have confirmed that the specific person works with that asset class. When you select an asset class on the person level criteria you are getting the most specific results. On the other hand, asset class is assigned to a company when the company at large works with an asset class. When you use this criterion you get more inclusive results.
Q: What’s the difference between a saved search and a saved list?
A: A saved list allows you to save contacts or companies in one place regardless of what search criteria you discovered them with. You can also view the contacts or companies you have already saved within your search results. A saved search allows you to save the search criteria you used and run the search again in just 1 click. This can help you quickly discover new companies or contacts that meet your search criteria.
Q: Some companies are tagged as multiple industries. How do I get results that only include companies with a single industry?
A: When adding criteria search you can click the three dots next to your selection to open an expanded menu. You can then select exact or exclude to only include results that fit your specific needs.

Q: How do I share a list I'm working on with another team member?
A: Navigate to the list tab and hit the edit button on an existing list. Shared team members have all the same edit permissions to add or remove records, but only the list creator can delete a list from the platform. However, shared team members can duplicate the list which creates a private copy. This feature can be used to suppress assigned prospects from future searches, collaborate on an ABM list, and more.
