Email Marketing Guide for CRE
Build out your marketing toolkit with Biscred’s email marketing guide for CRE. Although it’s been around for a while, email marketing is still one of the best ways to engage your audience and generate leads at a very low cost to you. If done right, you’ll have a new cost-effective strategy for marketing that will drive engagement with your business.
Who Should Read This CRE Email Ebook
Writing effective, personalized email content is difficult, especially in the CRE world where newsletters and emails can be easily ignored or flagged as spam. This eBook gives CRE-specific tips for using free email marketing tools to boost engagement and drive more traffic to you.
What’s Inside: Tips for B2B Email Marketing
This ebook includes B2B email marketing best practices and email marketing ideas for CRE-related businesses.
Selecting the right email marketing tools
Automation, email-building, and pre-designated templates are a must for you to effectively handle contacting hundreds, if not thousands, of potential contacts. This guide offers examples of email marketing tools that have free plans that you can use to create targeted emails for different customer segments.
Build an email list for CRE leads
Your email marketing will only be as effective as the contacts that you have. We’ll show you how to build and grow your email list to reach more of your audience.
Writing subject lines & compelling angles
Once you’ve prepared for email marketing, you still need to create compelling subject lines and headlines that make the recipient want to click to learn more. We’ll show you how to pique interest without overwhelming or annoying your audience.
Adding calls to action
One of the most commonly missed steps is not driving audience traffic to do business with you. An effective call to action will do just that, and we’ll provide tips on writing and strategically placing a call to action in your emails.
Automate email marketing sequences
Email marketing can eat up a lot of your time if not automated properly, and we’ll show you why email marketing tools are so important, and powerful, for automating different email marketing sequences. We’ll show you an example timeline of emails that you can build and how to schedule them over time.
Test, learn and iterate
Marketing is an iterative process that requires testing, tracking, and tweaking of campaigns based on KPIs. We list out some of the most important KPIs in our ebook for you to track and what they may mean for your campaign. We’ll also provide some methodologies for testing your email campaigns to see what strategy does and doesn’t work with different audience segments.
Other eBooks Series
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Engage CRE Leads at No Cost
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Engage Local Stakeholders and Drive CRE Growth
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Growing Leads Through Social Media
So, you’re trying to sell your product or service to commercial real estate (CRE) clients. Maybe you’ve already tried a few strategies—cold calls, email blasts, or attending in-person