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Instantly identify commercial real estate prospects
Discover new commercial real estate companies and contacts based on CRE-specific indicators including industry, asset experience, and seniority.
Quickly discover ideal targets based on any text displayed on a company’s website.
Easily download email addresses, phone numbers, and LinkedIn profiles of your ideal prospects to smash goals.

Biscred’s CRE-specific filters make it way easier to identify companies we want to do business with. On top of that, the employee rosters make selecting the right decision-maker straightforward. It’s a huge time saver for prospecting."

Director, Marketing
Biscred provides the data we need, when we need it, and in an easily accessible way. It’s segmented for the AEC sector and is key to the success of our email marketing strategy.”

VP, Development
Finding prospects in the multifamily space has never been easier. The CRE classifications make targeting simple. And the contact data is highly accurate. Biscred is a no-brainer if you’re doing business in commercial real estate."

Director, Sales
Biscred provides unmatched customer service and supplies our business development team with highly targeted and accurate leads."
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