Biscred CRE Asset Class: Mixed Use Real Estate
Biscred's vast database of commercial real estate contacts and companies is sliced and diced in several ways, including by asset class. We define commercial real estate asset class as property type. Our database uses 24 CRE asset classes, including mixed use, which we'll explain here. On the date we created this user guide, we have contact information for 25,123 companies and 266,311 people associated with the mixed-use asset class in all 50 states. Because we update our data continuously, those numbers will grow!
What Is Mixed Use Development?
How Biscred Defines Mixed Use Commercial Real Estate
Define mixed use development: Real estate or property that is intended for more than one commercial use. In CRE, mixed-use typically refers to commercial-residential mixed use, usually with retail, restaurant, or office space.
In the CRE industry, mixed-use developments are also referred to as live-work-play communities.
Examples of mixed-use developments can range from the small -- two second-floor apartments over a first-floor coffee shop -- to the enormous, like the mega live-work-play community Baltimore Peninsula, a 235-acre property that includes a 250-unit apartment building, office space, a hotel, and retail space.
Company Industries Within Biscred's Mixed-Use CRE Asset Class
Within Biscred's platform, users can filter to narrow their focus based on company industry, which Biscred defines as a company's line of business (developers, general contractors, and professional service providers, for example). The CRE companies and CRE-adjacent companies (and individuals) you’ll find in Biscred’s database include:
Cleaning and maintenance companies
CRE brokers
Engineering firms
Environmental consultants
Interior designers
Law firms
Materials suppliers (including apartment maintenance supply companies,
Operators and property managers
Mixed-use developers, construction companies and general contractors
Private equity firms
Proptech companies
We're continuing to expand our company industry tags. (And, yes, a company or CRE professional could be tagged in more than one company industry in Biscred's database.)
How to Find Mixed-Use Property Owners
Before we answer the question about how to find commercial property owners, we have a question for you: Is the property owner the right entity to contact? If you're looking to do business with a mixed-use property, you may be better to connect with the operator or property management company.
To filter to companies and people who own mixed-use CRE, first set your Asset Class to mixed-use. Then, use Biscred filters to select private equity firms, real estate investment firms (REIF), real estate investment trusts (REIT), and developers. That will generate a list of all the companies that operate in mixed-use CRE. You can then narrow further based on location, size, etc.
If you're looking for the owner of a specific property, however, that information is public record. Most major metropolitan areas, and many smaller ones, make this information available online. You can find out who owns mixed-use projects from county auditors, county recorders, or county real estate agency offices. Learn more about how to find out who owns a property.
Here's how Biscred works. Our database contains contact information for hundreds of thousands of CRE companies and people. Select Criteria Search, and then set Company Asset Experience to Mixed Use.
At the time we created this example, Biscred had contact information about 25,113 companies that employ 266,073 people who work in mixed-use CRE assets.
How to Use Biscred to Connect With Mixed-Use Properties

Example: How to Find Mixed-Use Property Managers in Austin, Texas
Live-work-play buildings are growing in popularity, according to a Rent Cafe study. The top locations are Manhattan NY, Brooklyn NY, Washington DC, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Dallas, Queens NY, Atlanta, Boston, Seattle and Austin.
Let's use Biscred in this exercise to identify operators and property managers in Austin who specialize in mixed-use CRE. Set Company Asset Experience to Mixed Use, set Company States to Texas, and enter Austin in the Company Cities field. Note that you can toggle "HQ Only" if you are looking for companies that are headquartered in Austin. For this exercise, we want to connect with operators and property managers that operate in Austin.

Our search delivered 414 companies and 44,100 people who work in CRE mixed-use real estate in Austin. If we want to narrow to mid-size companies, we can use the Company Contact Count and Company Property Count sliders to set minimum and maximum amounts.
By setting minimum and maximum contacts, we generated a list of 10 companies and 1,532 contacts that do work in mixed-use properties in Austin, Texas, including AMLI Residential, Antunovich Associates, Bartlett Cocke General Contractors and others.

Ready to Get Started? Build Your Mixed-Use CRE Network
Find out how companies all over the country are growing their CRE businesses through Biscred's powerful prospecting platform. Schedule a no-pressure demonstration today to see how it can work for you.